Mike & Jude's Story

You have no idea what staying at Hearts Together meant for us as we live in the far west of Cornwall. I cannot speak highly enough of this wonderful charity. The prospect of driving backwards and forwards from Helston to Derriford was horrendous, and I can't imagine the cost of standard hotel accommodation, It made a very difficult time a bearable one. I just wish every major hospital had such a facility. Read more

Lisa, Scott and Kacie's Story

Hearts Together Hotel has been a saviour to us as a family over the last 5 weeks. The whole experience of being so close to our new baby, Hayden, in hospital would never have been possible if it had not been for Hearts Together Hotel. We will never forget their kindness. Read more

Olivia's Story

Our whole family will be forever grateful to Hearts together for being there for us at the worst time of our lives. Dad was happy knowing we were staying somewhere so safe & peaceful nearby too. Its definitely a very special place & without it we would have been relying on lifts to & from Barnstaple when relatives were free or using trains so wouldn't have had so much precious time with Dad at the one time we all needed to be together. Read more

Carole & Clive's Story

Hearts Together is not only a fantastic Hotel with amazing staff but also a sanctuary from the challenging times that cancer has brought upon us. We now feel more positive about the future following out treatment, thanks to the support by all. Read more

Robin's Story

I am so grateful for everything that the Hearts Together team did to make my stay truly unforgettable. From the moment I arrived until the time I checked out, every aspect of my stay exceeded my expectations. Read more

Keith & Tricia's Story

"It is hard to know where to begin. What a treasure is Hearts Together Hospital Hotel in Blunts Lane.  The supportive environment was tangible from the outset, I received a warm welcome and clear information." Read more

Gerwyn's Story

I cannot extol enough the virtues of the Hearts Together 'Friendly' Hospital Hotel to patients, family and carers who are able to access this amazing resource, in the utmost stressful and anxious of situations, I would like to say a huge thank you to each and every one of the staff at Hearts Together and at DDRC, and commend the work, service and provision provided by both charities throughout. Thank you. Read more

Lisa's Story

Without this fantastic charity, my time in Plymouth would have been a totally different experience I’m sure.  I can't thank the team enough for all that they did for me. It is only when faced with situations out of our control that a charity like this becomes almost family. Read more

Janet & Mike's Story

Janet and Mike were travelling back from Spain when Mike suffered a Heart attack and was subsequently rushed to Derriford. Based in Kent this meant Janet unexpectedly found herself far from home. Hearts Together accommodate and supported Janet throughout this difficult period, meaning she could focus solely on visiting and caring for her husband throughout his recovery. Read their full story here : Read more

Lizzy and Keith's Story

Staying at Hearts Together during this turbulent time felt like a warm blanket was wrapped around me like a big hug, the place is a home from home. If it wasn’t for Hearts Together, I don’t know what I would have done, being able to be close by to support Keith during his recovery was a huge support. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, a truly amazing gem of a place, thank you so much. Read more

Helen's Story

What a wonderful resource! We were a long way from both home and our holiday cottage when my husband had a brain bleed and was being transferred from Exeter to Plymouth in the middle of the night. I will always be grateful for the wonderful provision of the Hearts Together Hotel Hospital at Derriford. Read more

Mary & Martin's Story!

There are so many reasons that I could go on and on about how this very special place saved us both. I could not have gone through all the ups and downs of the hospital stay without Hearts Together. Also meeting up with other people at the Hotel who were in the same position as me was an incredible help. Read more