Pages Request peer support Counselling Guest can now find a counsellor or skilled listener on-site Monday - Friday evenings, with access also to ongoing telephone support and up to 12 funded sessions post-stay! The response to our pilot program affirmed the need for this vital service, as shown in this feedback from one of our guests and users of the service: "Just to have a friendly listening ear when you are holding the issues of a loved one to yourself is so releasing. I didn’t realise how good it would be to talk" This service is so important in enabling us to provide much-needed support to those who are often preoccupied with supporting others, or who are dealing with complex or life-changing issues themselves. The counselling service is only intended to support individuals with the needs arising from their stay at Hearts Together as opposed to a more generalised requirement for counselling support. Our support team will be happy to signpost you to other more suitable services or may advise that you speak with your GP once you return home. This service aims to provide a safe space for guests and their relatives in local healthcare facilities to discuss their feelings, thoughts, and concerns and to ‘hold’ people in their time of need. Manage Cookie Preferences