Every year we like to shine a spotlight on our fantastic and dedicated volunteers and say THANK YOU!

We are always looking for meaningful ways to say thank you to our volunteers and Room to Reward is fantastic in giving us that opportunity, providing a well-earned break-away for volunteers, so that they can take some for themselves having given so much to others. We were thrilled that our nomination for two of our volunteers, Vera and Karen, were accepted in 2023 in aid of their one-year volunteering anniversary with Hearts Together Hospital Hotel in Plymouth! The team very much enjoyed presenting Vera and Karen with their certificates and having a catch-up over some tea and cake!


Thank you Vera:

Vera has been steadfast in her commitment with us at Hearts Together Hospital Hotel, a valued member of our Guest Services team, helping the staff keep our Hotel in tip top condition. On those super busy days, there is sign of relief when Vera comes in, a much needed extra pair of hands to get stuck in and help out. Vera is vital to helping our team weekly, and is always super cheerful and uplifting, we couldn't do it without you - Thank you Vera! 


Thank you Karen: 

Karen has transformed our garden space, with new planting and on-going maintenance. Throughout Summer Karen always made sure the pots on the balcony were in full bloom, bright and cheerful, often bringing in plants she has propagated or grown herself.
Although we are always pleased to see our resident deer visiting the Hotel, they do pose a challenge for planting, they are not fussy eaters! Karen has worked tirelessly to find plants that the Deer wont eat, in the meantime they have enjoyed a colourful and varied diet...! We have had so many compliments from guests about the garden, it really does make such a difference. Thank you Karen!
"I volunteer at Hearts Together as I have been in a similar situation to many of the guests, having a family member in hospital for an emergency, major surgery away from home. I also volunteer as I enjoy meeting new people and a bonus is they are all much younger than me!!" - Hearts Together Volunteer