Hearts Together were delighted to visit the staff and the local community at the Whitleigh Co-op recently. We were there to say a huge THANK YOU to all the Whitleigh Co-Op members for their help in funding our lovely fully electric shuttle Vehicle along with the Plymouth City Council workplace travel grant and The Camelford Group. It's great to be able to show the community exactly what their efforts have achieved and how they have been able to help their local charity each time they shop!

This vehicle is now used every single day, transporting guests to and from the hospital, health care centers, and Plymouth coach or train station. Driving around a new city and/or finding parking can be really stressful as it is, let alone when you are already worried or anxious. Additionally for our less mobile guests having to get a taxi to and from the hospital daily can be a real financial burden, with fares averaging around £5 one way! 
This service has already shown to be absolutely invaluable, helping to reduce the stress and cost of transport, meaning that our guests can stay focused on supporting their loved ones or getting better themselves.

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Why not become a Co-op Member yourself and help raise funds for Hearts Together?

Check out our Local Cause page HERE


As a member when you buy selected Co-op products and services from Co-Op, 2p for every £1 you spend goes into your Co-op Membership account, Co-op then gives the same amount to support community organisations and local causes like us! 
